Location: San Francisco, CA
Team: Karen Mar
Status: Completed 2019
Builder: Luxury Construction
Photography: Russell Abraham & Kristen Paulin

Completed by preceding firm Yama & Mar Design


The sister of a former client came to us to make her new two-story view home more accessible and code compliant, she is in a wheelchair and needed a new ADA compliant bathroom “that didn’t look like it belonged in a hospital”, maneuvering space in the halls and a kitchen that was sold with an open permit “we didn’t really know why”. 

We did exploratory work to find out what the kitchen needed to have its permit signed off for final inspection and made the corrections. For the bath and hall space solution, we combined a hall closet, existing bathroom and moved a hallway to gain more space.  Providing pocket doors everywhere allowed for more maneuvering space too since we tend not to close our doors at home. 


20th Street


Cabrillo Road